FACS Training
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting

We are no longer offering the following training sessions. 

The UF IMC provides training on the BD FACSAria III and Bio-Rad S3e cell sorters.

BD FACSAria III Operator Training: $500 internal/$1,000 external

The Aria III is a 4-way cell sorter capable of using variable-sized nozzles to achieve different sorting speeds at different pressures to maintain high viability and recovery. This course is offered every three months and lasts three days. Topics include:

  • Sample preparation and appropriate nozzle selection
  • Instrument components and operation procedures
  • Experimental settings
  • Automated compensation
  • Acquisition 6-color panels using beads and then cells.
  • Setup for sorting into tubes
  • Strategies, optimization and sorting of:
    – specific subpopulations of regulatory T cells
    – rare cell populations (DC’s)
  • Cleaning routines and daily maintenance

Bio-Rad S3e Operator Training: $300 internal/$600 external

The S3e is a steam-lined and easy-to-use cel sorter. With automated alignment and QC wizards, this machine can be mastered in a matter of hours. This course is offered every two months and lasts 1.5 days.

  • Sample Preparation
  • Set-up and QC
  • Acquisition 4-color panels using beads and then cells.
  • Tube Logic

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